Tuesday, December 21, 2004


From Dailykos diarist Devilstower, a story I take to be a recommendation rather than a horror story:

Arnold is typical in another way, too.  It has come completely under the sway of a rapidly expanding, right-wing, evangelical church.
Arnold Baptist was designed from the outset to be your all-inclusive home away from home.  It has sports leagues for your kids, so you don't have to bother with the local little league.  It has an exercise gym that you can use for free, so you don't join the local Y.  It has catchy music on a Sunday morning, with special services for teens and children.  There are big family meals two nights a week.  The church makes sure the facilities are always open to any Arnold event, so you can bet that the high school football banquet will be held there.  Short of a hospital, there is practically no need that can't be fed by Arnold Baptist Church.  And there's a genuinely warm welcome at the door.
The only way to stop these mega-churches from covering more and more of America in a nice conformist tone of red, is to offer an alternative.

You've already seen a hint of what this alternative looks like.  It's called "Meet up for Dean."

To say nothing of dailykos. But he goes on to point out that Meetups only meet once a month, and that hardly constitutes a community. Where is the childrens' softball league, for example? Well, it's not at Dailykos either, but at least that's there when I need it. Within the link, a commenter suggests local chapters of Kos, an idea which has also been on my mind of late.


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