Monday, December 20, 2004

Save Social Security: Contact Congress


Why haven't our Democratic congressmen haven't taken the lead in saving Social Security? I don't know. But it's time we tell them to start doing their job. Email your Senators and Congressman now, and ask them to get on tv. Then call them on Monday morning. (For references, their previous records on Social Security are here -- but this is about leadership today, not voting yesterday.) Tell them the talking point is

George W. Bush's war against Social Security is the crisis.
Social Security is successful. Social Security is healthy. George W. Bush's war against Social Security is the only crisis.

And tell them that's going to keep being the talking point every day until George Bush's attack on Social Security is dead.

Why is this the talking point? Because the reality is that if we do nothing, Social Security will still be solvent in 2055. George Bush is pretending to "reform" Social Security -- the changes he is proposing will destroy it.

Why are we asking Democratic Congressmen to repeat this talking point? Because they are the ones with the tv appearances. They are the ones equipped to do the heavy lifting of saving Social Security. Because it is their job. Writing letters to the local newspaper helps too, but activating Congress is where the real money is.

We'll know our Congressmen are doing their job when every dialog on every tv gabfest looks like this:

Matthews: The President's planning to attack the Social Security Crisis --

Congressman: Let me stop you right there, Chris. George W. Bush's war against Social Security is the crisis.

Matthews: Trent Lott has called for Donald Rumsfeld to step down within a year. Do you think we're seeing the beginning of the end for Mr. Rumsfeld?

Congressman: George W. Bush's war against Social Security is the crisis.

Matthews: How 'bout them Iraqis?

Congressman: George W. Bush's war against Social Security is the crisis.

Matthews: Are you going to finish that sandwich?

Congressman: Chris George W. Bush's war against Social Security is the crisis.
Social Security is successful. Social Security is healthy.

When you talk to your legislators, make sure you find out what their position is on George Bush's war on Social Security, and send an email to Josh Marshall


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